
We look forward to being your host and ensuring that you have an unforgettable stay.

Book online

Booking confirmation online booking:
When you have booked a stay via our online booking system, which is available at, you will immediately receive a booking confirmation, which we ask you to read carefully. It is your responsibility as a guest that the confirmation matches your wishes.

Final cleaning is mandatory. When there are animals in cabins/rooms, there is a supplement for final cleaning.
Please note that cabins and rooms can only be booked for min. 2 days on weekends with public holidays as well as weeks 28 to 32 and week 34.

Manual booking: 
When you have booked a stay by phone or in person, we create the booking on your behalf, and on the basis of the information you provide. We disclaim responsibility for any errors and always recommend the customer to book online. Subsequently, an invoice is sent and the booking is finally reserved upon payment thereof.

All stated prices which are stated partly on our website; www.kaloevig-camping.dk and partly by personal inquiry are stated in Danish kroner including VAT and all taxes – unless otherwise expressly stated or clearly stated in the relevant context.

Payment terms: 
When booking, 100% is paid, excl. possibly purchase of additional tokens or upgrading.
Company cards issued within or outside the EU/EEA, as well as private payment cards issued outside the EU/EEA, are subject to a fee, which will appear on your receipt. The fee rate will depend on the type of payment card and where it is issued.

Right of cancellation and refund: We recommend that you take out cancellation insurance. It costs DKK 200. You have the option to cancel your booking under the following conditions if you have ordered cancellation insurance:

• If canceled more than 30 days before arrival, the entire amount paid will be reimbursed, but DKK 500 will be deducted. in administration fee.
• In case of cancellation between 30 days and 14 days before arrival, 50% of the amount paid will be reimbursed, minus DKK 500. in administration fee.
• If canceled less than 14 days before arrival, there is no refund.
• Up to 8 days before arrival, we offer that the booking can be changed in the current year.

Personal data: 
Kaløvig Strandgaard Camping registers your name, your address, your e-mail and other information submitted in connection with your booking/purchase in our customer register. We register your information in order to complete your booking. Your information is stored only in our booking system and in our accounting system. Both with coded access. We do not pass on your information to third parties unless you have expressly consented to this. In accordance with accounting legislation, we store your information for 5 years, after which it is deleted. As a guest at Kaløvig Strandgård Camping, you have the right to request that your information be deleted at any time. Unless there are legislative requirements that prevent this. If you want your information deleted, this happens by contacting us directly with your request. When paying by credit card, the registration takes place via a secure server, where the information is encrypted before being sent over the Internet.

If for some reason you do not receive your booking confirmation, which confirms your purchase, and you have not received an error message from the system, you can write to the address below: Complaints about the booking process or the booking itself must be made within a reasonable time after you have discovered the error or should have discovered the error during a general review of your booking confirmation.
Complaints must be made in writing. Complaints about the product (stay) must be made within 12 hours of arrival, so that Kaløvig Strandgaard Camping can remedy the problem. When Kaløvig Strandgaard Camping receives your complaint about an item, it will be processed as soon as possible. Kaløvig Strandgaard Camping will decide whether the complained item should be refunded, exchanged or whether a price reduction should be given.

Forgotten things:
If we have to send forgotten items, it is the guest who pays for shipping costs.

These terms and conditions may not be passed on or copied without prior written agreement with Kaløvig Strandgaard Camping.

Kaløvig Strandgaard Camping
Strandvejen 150, 8410 Rønde
Phone: +4564633302
CVR. 44165104
Bank: Reg No. 7657 account: 0001030931